Securing Raspberry Pi Security Camera (or UIs) using Apache Knox
I was able to get my hands on the Raspberry Pi Zero W and decided to put it to use by building a motion activated security camera. I had three simple requirements:
- The camera should have a live feed.
- It should alert me (email/text) when motion is detected.
- It should be secure.
I stumbeled on a great tutorial by Mark West, Building a Motion Activated Security Camera with Raspberry Pi Zero. By following the tuorial, I was able to achieve two of my requirements and I was somewhat happy about my setup. There were however some things that I thought needed to be worked out:
- Security
- Network Layout
- Image Detection enhancements
In this blog post I will cover Securing Raspberry Pi Motion Web Interface using Opensource tool called Apache Knox (disclamer: I am a committer for Apache Knox project)
I am assuming that Motion is configure to get live feeds from Raspberry Pi camera module, I will not go into the details as they are covered in detail by Mark West in his excellent blog post mentioned above. It should be noted that any Web Interface can be secured using Apache Knox, I am using Motion as an example here.
Why Apache Knox ?
- Authentication: Authenticates the users.
- Authorization: Make access decisions i.e. which services are accessible for which user.
- Audit: Gives the ability to determine what actions were taken by whom during some period of time.
- Lightweight: Has low memory and disk requirement.
Setup user and hostname
We will create a seperate user for authentication. This user will be created on the system where Apache Knox is installed. Apache Knox uses this user for authentication and access control (using PAM) so it makes sense to keep it seperate from other system users. We will use this user exclusively to access our Motion setup from outside.
Setting up user with username - myuser and password - strongpassword
sudo useradd -m myuser -G sudo
sudo passwd myuser
Add user to shadow group
sudo usermod -a -G shadow myuser
Update hostname so that in multiple node deployments each raspberry pi can be accessed, choose a hostname you like and update in these files
# update here
sudo nano /etc/hosts
sudo nano /etc/hostname
# commit changes
sudo /etc/init.d/
sudo reboot
Setup Apache Knox
Download Apache Knox
Unzip it to /knox directory
unzip -d /knox
Create a link to PAM library under /knox/ext/native
cd /knox/knox-0.12.0/ext/native
sudo ln -s /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
nano /knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/
Make sure the APP_JAVA_LIB_PATH parameter is correctly set
Optional: Update gateway port from default 8443 to something else in /knox/conf/gateway-site.xml
Update Knox config files
Now we update the knox topology file (sandbox.xml) to use PAM authentication, for Motion running locally on port 8081.
replace /knox/knox-0.12.0/conf/topologies/sandbox.xml
Note: Update the user (myuser) in authorization provider in sandbox.xml
<!-- if you have a different user update here -->
If Motion is running on another machine then update the following code snippet in sandbox.xml file with the hostname and port where Motion is running.
Under /knox/knox-0.12.0/data/services
create a folder structure as follows
Copy rewrite.xml
and service.xml
files from
to /knox/data/services/motion/0.0.1/
Install Java (might not be needed)
Check whether you already have java installed by typing java -version
if you see something like the following output
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)
Then you need not install Java, else run the following command to install Oracle Java 8
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk
Make Knox scripts executable
sudo chmod +x /knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/
sudo chmod +x /knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/knoxcl
Create Knox master secret
/knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/ create-master
If you are having permissions issues writing to the security directory you can update the permissions as follows
sudo chmod -R g=+rwx /knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/../data/security/
Start Apache Knox
To start apache knox run the folowing command
/knox/knox-0.12.0/bin/ start
Note: Knox should not be run as root ! if you are having issues with permissions starting knox you can update them as follows
sudo chown -R root:users /knox/knox-0.12.0/
You can access Knox at https://<knox-host>:8443/gateway/sandbox/
Find the relevant Knox logs in /knox/logs/